Veteran's Message Boards at Historic Wings!
The Veteran's Message Boards are the most important feature of the B-17 site. Find an old friend, ask a question about the airplane, or just discuss history with hundreds of others like yourself. And if the B-17 isn't your cup of tea, we've got the full range of other aircraft types and topics as well.

Historic Wings Related Features
Pretty Deadly - Nose Art in the Military
Military aviators since WWII have often personalized their aircraft with nose art depicting women, cartoon characters, home town imagery, and simply names. Take a tour into history with HW as we examine some of the best nose art, up close and personal!

Preflight: The Memphis Belle Story
The crew of the "Memphis Belle" were made famous during a time when most B-17 crews were shot down. Read a brief history of the plane and check out a photo of Major Robert Morgan today!

Monthly Desktop Calendar Art
Download a FREE computer desktop calendar, each one commissioned monthly from aviation artist Scott Allbee. Every month features a different airplane and each artwork is individually commissioned for Historic Wings Online!

B-17G 'Yankee Lady'

Photo Gallery
Check out our B-17 photo gallery with images from the early days of development, when the B-17 was a sleek, all silver gleam in the eye of Boeing engineers to the hard fought years of war, flying against the Axis powers.

There I Was...
Read personal stories and memories from veterans who were there -- or submit your own. These are first-hand accounts of live in the ETO (or PTO, CBI, etc.) and of what it was like to fly and work on the B-17.

Missing Air Crew Reports and Research
Historic Wings Online, in partnership with Aviation Archives, provides you with an extensive research service just a click away. We can provide everything from Missing Air Crew Reports, to unit histories, to individual service records and more are now available.

The Aircraft Bookstore
Check out our choice selection of the best B-17 books out there today. We review a range of titles and offer overnight shipping for those hard-to-find aviation books you always wanted for your collection.

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