How to Submit Your Story

Whenever I attend a squadron reunion, I am always amazed at the stories I overhear from veterans and families. These tales, told over and over again (and once in a while even embellished), contain some of the most hilarious, incredible, and wonderful commentary on the past. In many cases, they are a better source of history than the dry accounts of academics and book authors whose writings rarely, if ever, capture the true essence of an era.

Therefore, I invite veterans from around the world to share their best stories in this forum (just think about it -- thousands of fresh ears and nobody to say, "Bob tells that same yarn at every reunion..."). So send in your best tale to: All we ask is that each story be true (at least mostly) and be original -- we cannot, for obvious reasons, accept submissions which violate copyright laws -- and short enough to hold a reader's interest (generally, four to six medium length paragraphs).

We may edit your story submission to correct spelling and grammar (or to make them acceptable for all ages) and you can be sure we'll print almost everything we receive. Still, we may not print every story -- but certainly the good ones.

Thomas Van Hare
Editor, Historic Wings


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