Advertising and Sponsorship Information

Historic Wings is one of the highest quality adventure and aviation Internet publications on the Web. Advertisers have the opportunity to reach an upscale, well educated, and sophisticated consumer through advertising and sponsorship of this site or portions thereof.

Banner Rotation
Banner advertising rotates through all main content areas of Historic Wings. In addition, banner advertising rotates in individual feature content stories and publications. Site rotations may be purchased for individual features or for site wide rotation. Advertising in some sections of Historic Wings is restricted by the limitations of exclusive sponsorship arrangements, which are also available.

General Statement
Historic Wings guarantees contracted impressions. Ad banners will run from the start date until all impressions are completed. Through the use of the leading ad banner management software, Ad Force from IMGIS, Historic Wings provides full and independent reporting of all banner impressions, including click-through information, impression numbers and more.

    Advertising Inquiries - Contact
    To negotiate sponsorship, please contact:
    Angela Bernal, Historic Wings
    Tel: 561-347-0181
    Fax: 561-347-2240


General Rotation
$50 per 1000 impressions. A minimum exists of 10,000 impressions and will be negotiated based upon availability. A banner advertisement with a link back to the sponsor site will appear throughout all pages of the site where no exclusive advertising or sponsorship agreements are in place.

Preferred Rotation
$60 per 1000 impressions. A minimum exists of 50,000 impressions and will be negotiated based upon availability. A banner advertisement with a link back to the sponsor site will appear primarily in the content area of your choice and as well throughout all pages of the site where no exclusive advertising or sponsorship agreements are in place.

Feature Specific Rotation
$65 per 1000 impressions. A minimum exists of 50,000 impressions and will be negotiated based upon availability. A banner advertisement with a link back to the sponsor site will appear solely in the content area of your choice.

Feature Content Sponsorship
$70 per 1000 impressions. No minimum number of impressions exists for such sponsorship. A banner advertisement with a link back to the sponsor site will appear solely and exclusively in the content area of your choice for the full duration of the campaign. For example, purchasing 100,000 impressions in a feature story entails exclusive display of the advertisers banner until the full 100,000 impressions are complete.

Custom Content Sponsorship
"Develop your own feature!" Advertisers will have the opportunity to specify the subject and general editorial content of a feature article. Feature sponsorships are limited to two per month and are exclusive in nature. In addition to an exclusive advertising rotation on the feature, statements such as, "Sponsored by the ..." will accompany the feature story and a sponsorship/advertiser information page will be made available to readers.

Custom Content Sponsors will also receive bonus promotional banners to appear site wide throughout the first month of the sponsorship to channel traffic into the content area. Costs are estimated determined on the work required to create the content area and are at a minimum of $10,000. The exclusive content sponsorship period expires after three (3) months, whereupon the original Custom Content Sponsor will have first right of renewal at the fixed General Rotation Rate.

Image Formats and Specifications
Ad banners must be submitted in either GIF or JPEG format. Custom Content Sponsors and Feature Content Sponsors may submit multimedia and audio-enabled ad banners. Please provide banners via e-mail to:

For more information call Capstone Studio at: 561-347-0181.

    Feature Banner (Top of Page):
    Image Pixel Size: 234 x 60
    File Maximum Size: 8 KB

    Full Size Banner (Bottom of Page):
    Image Pixel Size: 468 x 60
    File Maximum Size: 12 KB